Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence Research Group (NAIRG)

We established the Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence Research Group (NAIRG) to foster a more innovative environment in a lab, concentrating on computational neuroscience and AI research

As the founder of the Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence Research Group (NAIRG) at Hamadan University of Medical Sciences (UMSHA), I envisioned a unique platform where the complex realms of neuroscience and artificial intelligence converge. Established in 2022 within the vibrant ecosystem of the Student Research Committee (SRC), NAIRG has since flourished, aligning with the Department of Neuroscience, under the School of Science and Advanced Technologies in Medicine.

NAIRG stands as a singular entity within UMSHA, dedicated to propelling the boundaries of knowledge and practical applications in neuroscience and AI. The inception of this group was a response to the burgeoning need for interdisciplinary research that can unravel the intricacies of the human brain through the lens of advanced computational technologies.

The journey of NAIRG, marked by collaborative spirit and relentless pursuit of excellence, has been made possible by the unwavering support and cooperation of Dr. Arman Gorji. Together, we have catalyzed the group’s dynamic progression, establishing a robust foundation for pioneering research that promises to shape the future of medical sciences.